Syed Habib
passed away

In the sad moments, Cue
Sports India informs that former snooker player from Chennai, Tamil
Nadu, Syed Habib has passed away today evening due to his longer
illness. He was bed ridden for the past one month suffering with
diabetes and other disorders.
69 years old Master
of yesteryears, Syed Habib, was a great demonstrator of snooker.
Representing Tamil Nadu state, he remained three times India No. 2
in snooker in a row (1980, 1981 and 1982). In billiards too, he
managed to reach into semi finals twice consecutively in the years
1987 and 1988.
He also represented India in IBSF World
Snooker in the year 1981 and IBSF World Masters Snooker in the year
During his days, Syed was one of the
great crowd-puller of the game and he will surely remain in memories
for a very long time.
Cue Sports India condole on his sad
demise and pray to almighty to rest his soul in peace.
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